82 convoys of human beings left France between 1942 and 1944, the Nazi objective being the annihilation of the Jews THE FINAL SOLUTION.
Convoy 6 left Pithiviers on 17 July 1942 for an unknown destination which turned out to be Auschwitz, suffering and death.
It carried 809 men and 119 women, among them, for the first time, 24 children and adolescents.
A first exhibition had been organised by our Association Memories of Convoy 6, which brought together nearly 400 people concerned.
The present exhibition was made possible thanks to grants from the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah, the Ministry of Defence (DMPA) and the permanent support of the Shoah Memorial.
The first part concerns
Antisemitic laws, roundups, camps in the Loiret.
For all the lists, photos and documents, we would like to thank in particular Maître Serge Klarsfeld and the FFDJF, the National Archives, the Cercil (Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur les camps d'internement du Loiret) and the Shoah Memorial.
Other sources have been invaluable to us
The second part
Presents the documents, souvenirs and photographs entrusted to us by our members, descendants and acquaintances of the deportees of Convoy 6.
76,000 Jews were deported from France.